Well I had a pretty interesting week out here down south.
We had another good week, with 6 investigators in church and 70 people in total. Whew. Pretty good.
Oswaldo went to church this week. That was good. I think he liked it and felt pretty comfortable. We were pretty excited. I think with a bit more work he will be getting baptized. :)
Alejanda and her family went to church this week. They are progressing really well and I think they will get baptized in a little bit. Should be good. We haven't had much of a chance to teach them. Just one lesson. But the lesson went well.
Juan and Alberto, they dropped us. They never recovered from the shock that tithing is a commandment. They didn't like that to much and decided it wasn't worth it anymore.
Julia is still working on getting married. Pretty much the same. She is doing great. Has a great testimony and everything. Just has to sign a paper, ha ha.
We also had transfers. Elder Pino went to Santa Rosa. Elder Parkes is training a newbie. I am in Bahia Blanca in barrio Terradas with Elder Fernandez from Santiago Chile. Elder Cuadras is training and is going to be the new District leader in Tres Arroyos.
I am district leader here, its me and my companion and 4 companionships of sister missionaries.
So I pretty much have a huge district. Should be... interesting, ha ha. But I'm sure it will be fun.
I am assuming I will end my mission here. There are only 2 transfers left and I don't think the President will change me again. But who knows, ha ha.
I don't really know much of my area or anything. But it sounds like a good area. I'm sure we will see lots of success.
I was pretty sad to leave Tres Arroyos after such a long time. That and we have had a lot of good things happen. But I cant stay. President said I had to leave. So I left. The bags were a bit full. We had a few people there to baptize. But Elder Cuadras will do it and let me know.
Fransisco was doing great by the way. He is progressing well and is surprisingly interesting in Genealogy work.
Hey the camera you gave me. I still have it just so you know, it hasn't been robbed or broken yet. Kind of a surprise since most the missionaries have to replace there cameras.
Well I don't have much else to say.
Have a good week. Have fun.
Love ya
Elder Obray